Monday, May 17, 2010

Talk with Hebrew University

I found the idea Dr. Held's statement "conflict is life" to be extremely insightful to discern the difference between our living Jerusalem class and living in Jerusalem. I appreciated her comment that Jerusalmites worry about traffic jams during holidays much like we in the U.S. do.
Further, I like that Dr. Held brought up the difference between Authentic and Nostalgic Jerusalem, and stated that people should not indulge in a nostalgic view.
I found it interesting that the two students that decided to stay after were Arab, being that everyone else was leaving early becuase it is a Jewish holiday which they celebrated. I am little confused because I thought that Dr. Held stated that there was only one Arab student in the class, but the two students we talked to were also Arab? I think I have some fact wrong.
From talking with the students, I realize the dynamic of this class and ow different it must be for the two other University students. We are all looking at Jerusalem from a different perspective and trying to engage in meaningful dialogue and further our understanding.

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