Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Upon reading the overview of Pyalara, I think that the organizations intentions are great! I think it's incredible that a youth organization can have such a powerful role in the government (creating a youth fund). I wonder if the rap artists, especially MC Tamer, from the Channels of Rage have any affiliation with this organization. It seems like a pretty well known and established Palestinian group and I wonder if its media projects had any role in enhancing MC Tamer's success rate.
I am curious to see what they mean and their mode of providing self-healing guidance.

I found the over of politics to be particularly helpful in understanding the strife of females. I did not know that young Palestinian women were so disadvantaged. This greatly increased my sympathies toward the Palestinian youth. I am glad that Pyalara exists for them. However, I wonder if Pyalara encourages any peace talks amongst the Palestinian youth. Reflecting back on Dr. Herrmann's lecture, I am interested to know if in regard to peace with Israel, this organization supports the Palestinian strategy of bargaining with the sense of being a victim.

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