Monday, May 10, 2010

Final Project

I will be doing a media project as final project. I will be focusing on the Gaga dance movement in Israel created by Ohad Naharin. The Gaga movement has become very popular is Israel and can be for dancers and non-dancers. In some ways Israelis are becoming more interested in the Gaga movement as a response to the constant conflict and intensity in their lives. As all Israelis are required to join the army, they constantly bear the conflict, and the Gaga movement creates a space for people where they can simply just be in themselves. I am working with James Graham, a student graduating Masters in Performing Arts, who has done research in Jerusalem, Palestine, and Tel Aviv. He has interviewed artists living in the area about how living in a society with conflict has shaped their art. In addition, he has choreographed a piece with Gaga influence and I will be incorporating footage of this piece.

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