Monday, May 10, 2010

Response to week 7 readings

The promised gas masks- The depiction of the Isreali soldiers reminds me of the way Isreali soldiers were treating the Palestinians and Jews living in Palestinian land in Talia's documentary. The Isreali soldiers were depicts a senseless figures of authority who do not have an understanding of the situation. I remember the Israeli soldier in Talia's documentary stating that he thought he would be the hero of the Palestinian woman's life, yet instead, she spat on him. I particularly like the analogy created between chaos and delineation to Palestinian liveliness.
A dog's life- This story explores the crossroads between a racism and sexism. In the beginning it seems as though the narrator must pick her poison. This story depicts how something as little as getting one's dog vaccinated can become a huge ordeal due to rules, regulations, and bureaucracy. This story raises the question what is the conflict really about and how much does it interfere with daily life. I can't believe it's easier for a dog to get a passport than a human and think it's absurd.
The a Mother of All Cities- I feel as though this is offers a feminist approach and interesting way of viewing Jerusalem. After reading Armstrong, I agree very much with Rokem that whoever is in charge of Jerusalem can only be in charge temporary and they will relegate their reign after sometime.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I was shocked at how quickly that little dog was given a passport.
