Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Response to Dumper, Rehav, Khalidi

The Dumper Article was extremely helpful in helping me understand the fundamental historical aspects of Jerusalem explain the city's importance today. Reading this article help me understand when and how the Muslim occupation took place. To be honest, I didn't even know that Britain had any role in the creation of Isreal. I felt as though this article was sort of a concise, "objective" History of Jerusalem for Dummies! From reading this article, I feel sympathy for the Palestinians and gage an idea of what Isrealization of Jerusalem means. This reminds me of the bread bakers video we have seen; the Zalitimo is declinign, while the Challah bakers are making more bread.
The Kalidi article help me understand that the history of Jersusalem is not built on concrete evidence; rather, it was built on religious beliefs. It offer an comprehensive explaination as why Muslims also feel a religious tie to the city. Is the 1948 war referring to WWII?
The Rubin article demonstrates how Jewish people have been constanty kicked out of Jerusalem for the past two milleniums. After reading this article, I wonder if Jews and Muslims have co-inhabited and had a collective conscious in Jerusalem for so long, then why are there so many problems today? Why are the two so uncompatible today?

1 comment:

  1. Just a thought on the question you posed at the end of the post, about why Muslims, Christians, and Jews can't seem to live peacefully together today. I think the nationalism aspect that we mentioned in class definitely plays into it, if each group wants their own nation on the same patch of land with the same capital for themselves alone it's inevitably going to lead to conflict. Also, for most of the time that the 3 faiths lived in the Holy Land, Muslims were the majority. Perhaps because the Jews & Christians knew their numbers were smaller they didn't think they had much of a chance trying to challenge the Muslims for control. Now that the populations of Jews & Muslims are more or less equal, both sides have an even chance at trying to claim the land, and they're both going for it.
