Thursday, April 22, 2010

Armstrong Fourth Reading

These chapters develop to appear historical opposed to religiously historical because they are based on more concretely documented facts. For example, Ezekial's viewing of God in the past chapters seemed biblical, but events in this set of readings seem more real-time.
I think it is very interesting that Christian denominations became so distinct and quarrelsome, that a Muslim family was given possession of the key to the Holy Sepulcher. I am surprised that Christians could not overcome their own ideological distinction to such a large extent. It was also surprising to see that Jews were the heaviest population in Jerusalem even prior to World War II. I wonder if the correlation between British beliefs, Jewish occupation, and Jerusalem prospering financially has something to do with increasing the Jew's confidence for remaining established in the city. I find it interesting that even though the Western pilgrims weren't coming to Jerusalem for religious reasons, they still helped religious groups in Jerusalem reassert their beliefs.
I wonder if the beliefs that Gordon embedded in Jews has a role in the current tensions between Jews and Muslims today.
I now understand that how the intifadah arose and how more direct events that lead to the current situation in Israel.

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