Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First Armstrong Readings

Chapter 1: I really like the universal, humanistic approach the Armstrong begins with with. I think the idea that people want to journey to a sacred place to feel larger than life itself. Armstrong broad approach can be applied to Hindu holy sites as well. In India, there are many disputes between Hindus and Muslims about the rightful ownership of lands. I think both cultures share a distinct and rich distinct roots in the same land, and find it difficult to ascertain who was there first.
Chapter 2: Honoring the beliefs of Yahweh and El seems like a novel idea becuase I am surprised neither the Canaan and Isrealites did not try and impose their values on one another at first. The idea of sacrifice is also interesting to me because it seemed to say that kill only what one must to survive, and not cuase excessive pain to creatures. Many christains justify eating meat by claiming that Jesus served fish, so it must be morally justiable for them to eat it today. Is this notion of sacrifice somehow related?
I also found the pictures of the Jewish people trying to reestablish a sacred link fascinating becuase it relates to what was said in Chapter 1.
Chapter 3: I am completely unfamiliar with biblical stories and I am very impressed with David's character. I understand his role in the expansion of Jerusalem. I don't think I understand how David has sinned though.
Chapter 4: I understand how are transforming to a more monothestic belief system from this chapter

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